from the land to the sea.

olive, blood shed from me.


digital image

shot on iphone

good hair, 2023, digital image

the american dollar is a weak exchange for time. that’s all currency is, right? how about an art auction where money is of no use? how will you prove you deserve the work?

systems of equivalence

timeline of a healing wound

timeline of a healing wound

july-september 2023

pus, skin, hair, used bandaids, silicone

dirtworth [2020]

Collected earth, glass sugar dispenser, ice scoop.

an experimental performance/ sculptural piece in which I traveled to Manhattan's 4 wealthiest neighborhoods and the 4 lowest income neighborhoods to collect a jar of dirt from each.

I treated this project like an experiment- how do the politics and people of a neighborhood affect the quality of the earth beneath their feet? To control as many variables as possible as possible, I selected the most frequently visited grocery store in each neighborhood, and dug in the closest dirt I could find.


Autodestruir en Braille-

2021 DSLR digital image. toast.

bread toasted to different values in order to spell out "self destroy" using the braille system. An attempt to grasp the conundrum that are self-destructive habits. The same way in which braille is entirely useless if one cannot physically touch it; progress is futile if I am going to self-destruct.

chicago dibs. currencies.